Sunday, November 2, 2008


Friday the 31st was so fun! I was a french maid for the school parade but for trick or treating i was a punk with lots of ripped clothing! but the bad thing was i couldn't get a picture of the punk!
some might say it was awesome & also some might say that it was scary horrible or anything of that tribe!
but the good thing was i loved it!!!!!
that is my teacher Mr.Bagley he was a mad scientist he makes us laugh alot he is the best!
i'm glad he is my teacher he is fun to be around!

1 comment:

syd said...

tana i cant believe you put it on your blog. its awsome, i love it.

About Me

im a cool cute girl that loves to laugh

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i ment sky ->

fabulous me!!!

fabulous me!!!

there is fabulous me but then there is crazy me!!

there is fabulous me but then there is crazy me!!

me and my nephew carter p.

which picture do you like best!

me and my sis

me and my sis

the three musketeers!

the three musketeers!

my daddy and brother joey

my daddy and brother joey

me my sister lexi and my mommy!

me my sister lexi and my mommy!

god bless america!

god bless america!